Minecraft: Classic Jeb Door

Hi! This post will show you how to make a classic Jeb door in Minecraft. Jeb is the developer of Minecraft and as far as I know, he found the design online when pistons first went live in-game. It is not too resource-intensive so it is fairly feasible, even in Survival mode. Also, this tutorial assumes you have basic knowledge of game-play and possibly basic redstone mechanics.

The Jeb door is a secret piston door. When properly built and covered it is extremely difficult to find.

For those of you building this in Survival mode, you'll need the following resources:

  • 12 sticky pistons
  • 12 plain blocks (I used a combination of stone bricks and blue wool, but make sure that these match the wall if you are building it in a mountain
  • 6 redstone dust
  • 2 redstone repeaters
This list does not include the switch and the wiring to and from it, as what you use for that is left up to you. In the pictures I use a simple, not-so-secretive lever, but you should use something better if you plan to conceal it.

If you are building this in a mountain, you will need to start by hollowing out a 4x8x3 block space in the side. If your building this on flat ground, like me, you'll need to clear a space 4x8x2, with another block on all sides if you plan to conceal it.

Step 1:
Place the eight sticky pistons in two squares of four, facing each other and separated by four blocks of air.

Step 2:
Place the remaining four sticky pistons in the back facing forward.

Step 3:
Place two plain blocks stacked in front of each front-facing sticky piston.

Step 4:
Now cover all the pistons with plain blocks(I used blue wool to make it clearer, but you can just use the same plain blocks as before).

From the back:

Step 5:
Now place two repeaters on the top facing out. They should both be facing outward and be on the 2-tick delay.

Step 6:
Place redstone dust on all the remaining blue wool.

From the back:

Step 7:
Now you need to add your switch. The switch needs to connect to one of the blocks highlighted below. I used a lever for simplicity. Note that the door operates on an inverted signal: the door will be open when the lever is OFF.

Step 8:
Now let's try it out. Here's what it looks like open:

And here's what it looks like closed:

Step 9:
Now to cover it up. If you have been building this in a mountain, all you need to do is fill in all the front blocks flush with the mountain. Make sure not to cover the doorway. If you build it on flat ground cover the whole thing with plain blocks.

Here's the final product(note I haven't taken the time to properly hide the lever:

Plain wall, right! (except for the lever I didn't hide)
Now opened:

See, magic! In just nine steps you have a beautiful secret door! Hope you enjoyed this tutorial!